
About Me

I'm Kim, a 20 something year old Mother of three.

I'm from England but have been living in El Salvador since I met my now husband back in 2010. Everyone tells me how I am so brave for making such a huge move but when you fall in love that becomes the biggest thing and all of the other problems and struggles get figured out after that.

I'm an expat, a girl from one place living in a foreign country - whatever you want to call it. I'm a simple girl just trying to stumble my way through life the best way I can.

I spend most of my days with my kids. Which is lovely but also tiring and long. That is also the reason I am still struggling to be fluent in Spanish (yes to some extent it's my biggest excuse but still I just find the language so hard to pick up!).

This blog is my outlet.
I had a different blog before but didn't like how messy it was getting so stopped writing for a while. I got way behind and decided to start over but didn't want to lose all of the post I had already written. So right now I'm re-writing/re-publishing posts from before while at the same time writing recent posts that will eventually be posted when I catch up on things.

I write mainly about books I've read and place I've been. I'm going to write more about El Salvador and the place I live when I get round to it. I don't post pictures of my kids on here because there's enough place their little faces get spread already and there's just no need to have them over on here (I have a private blog just for myself that I write all the boring stuff to keep track of myself - so this blog should hopefully be kept as things that are just more interesting for everyone)

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