
Saturday, 11 March 2017

Book: Toxin

Toxin by Robin Cook

Book description: Just how safe is America's meat supply? Recent health scares and new public awareness have made this one of today's most controversial subjects --- and the basis of Robin Cook's most startling, and important novel.
When a doctor's daughter becomes infected with E. coli, the widespread dangers of bacterial contamination are no longer a subject for debate, but a grim reality. In desperation, he is forced to follow a trail of ignorance and corruption from the tangled red-tape of the medical community to the highest levels of the powerful meat industry. It is an eye-opening thriller that every American should read.

Picture and description taken from

What I thought of the book:


The subject of this book was so shocking and disgusting! I couldn't believe that things like that could really happen and it's scary to think about. There's so much going on behind closed doors that people just believe are being taken care of in the safety and health of the public but in reality none of us know that. This book definitely paints a very clear picture of the potential risks of eating meat and how easy it is to slip up and get sick from something very serious.

Book read 28th October 2012.

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