
Monday, 10 April 2017

Royal Decameron Day 2

Sunday 19th January 2014

We got up early and went for breakfast. Armando stayed in our room with Elliot while he napped and Chloe, his Mum and me went down to the beach before the sand got too hot to walk on. Last time we went to the beach Chloe was scared of going in the water because of the waves but since Decameron has the sea blocked off by rocks there aren't any waves, the water just slowly moves over the rocks through the day. When Elliot woke up him and Armando joined us down at the beach. It wasn't Elliot's first time to the beach but it was his first time going into the water and he kicked his little legs the second I sat him down. 

After the beach we all got ready to go for dinner. Chloe wouldn't eat much because she was too excited to get back to the beach and pool but she did eat an ice cream cone. Since it was pretty hot around the pool at that time of day we decided to take the kids over to the park for a little while. Chloe loves slides so much but there aren't really any decent ones in the parks near us so she just went up and down on the slides for a while. Elliot went into a swing for the first time, I was holding him up because he can't sit by himself yet (we're practising).
We went back into the pool in the afternoon when the sun was starting to go down and Elliot joined us too. We put him in the blow up float that we bought for Chloe a few years ago and he was ok floating around for a while but then got bored of it. As soon as we took Elliot out of the float Chloe decided she wanted to go in it. After the pool we went to get ready for our evening meal again. This time Elliot slept through the meal while Chloe was awake and playing. We went to see a show that was on the stage after that. It was Arabian themed, they had lots of dancing and even got some women up from the audience to compete - the winner got at shirt.

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